Mayor Konopa standing with six former Albany mayors
The little elf is Mayor Konopa’s grandson, GavinWaverly Lake Duck RepairWaverly Lake Duck LaunchThe Waverly Lake Duck tail feathersMayor Sharon Konopa with visitors from Oita, Japan
Mayor Sharon Konopa has provided lots of tours to City Hall for visitors from Africa, Europe, Asia and more.Sharon will support community events in all types of attire. This was December 2016 Albany Motorcycle Association’s Toy Run. Long time childhood friend Danny Street gave Sharon a ride through town.
Mayor Sharon Konopa presenting a Public Safety Award.Mayor Sharon Konopa receiving the Police Department Coin Award
Mayor Sharon Konopa receiving the City Logo Award at Oregon National Guard in PortlandMayor Sharon Konopa supporting senior volunteers with the Silver StridersMayor Sharon Konopa touring watershed enhancement areasSharon is a strong supporter of revitalizing Albany’s historic structures.Mayor Sharon Konpoa at ribbon cutting for Marshall’s Grand Opening.Mayor Sharon supported the construction of the beautiful Talking Water Gardens.Mayor Sharon promoting Albany’s upcoming events by throwing the first pitch at a Volcanoe’s ballgame.Mayor Sharon promotes all Albany events and is proud how the NW Art and Air Festival has put Albany on the map!Sharon loves Albany’s summer concert series!Sharon backstage with Three Dog Night!
Sharon supports Crazy Hat fundraisers!Sharon will even ‘kiss a pig’ to support a fundraiser!Sharon and Steve Konopa like to decorate up for parades!
Mayor Sharon Konopa in the Veteran’s Day ParadePresidential Candidate Congressman Richard Gephardt with Sharon and Steve Konopa— September 2006The Project Vote Smart Bus Tour Stops at Albany’s Farmers Market August 16, 2008Left to Right: Water Task Force with Senator Gordon Smith and Sharon Konopa for the Groundbreaking of the Water Treatment PlantSharon was raised in Albany and this photo was taken near the Oregon Freeze Dry area. The Konopa family came to Albany in 1908. Steve’s grandfather was a sausage maker in downtown Albany. Sharon and her husband Steve love to volunteer making food for fundraisers.